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IGTC01HR - Performance-Based Hiring (EN)
01 - Introduction
01 - Get those ideal candidates (0:43)
02 - 1. Performance-Based Hiring Overview
01 - Implement proven strategies (2:28)
02 - Integrating performance-based hiring (2:53)
03 - 2. Expanding the Talent Pool
01 - Understanding the talent market (2:59)
02 - Marketing jobs for top talent (3:47)
03 - Creating the candidate experience (2:45)
04 - 3. Preparing Performance-Based Job Descriptions
01 - Preparing performance-based job descriptions (2:49)
02 - Using job descriptions to attract talent (2:22)
05 - 4. The Performance-Based Interview
01 - Structuring the interview (4:16)
02 - Techniques for reducing hiring mistakes (3:04)
03 - Conducting the work history review (1:58)
04 - Determining job fit (2:27)
05 - Assessing soft skills (2:30)
06 - Uncovering thinking and planning skills (1:55)
06 - 5. The Talent Scorecard
02 - Organizing the interview (3:14)
01 - Measuring candidates before the hire (2:56)
03 - Ranking candidates (2:33)
07 - Conclusion
01 - Recruit your best employees (1:27)
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03 - Ranking candidates
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